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San Marcos Pop Warner

San Marcos Pop Warner



  • All absences are unexcused unless cleared with the Head Coach PRIOR to the game/practice for reasons of illness/injury (which may require a doctor’s note to resume practice), required school function, or religious event. Arriving more than 15 minutes late or departing more than 15 minutes early from a practice is considered an absence.
  • ALL cheerleaders must arrive to a game no later than 45 minutes prior to scheduled start time for check-in. Cheerleaders who arrive after this time but prior to final check-in must sit out the first quarter. Final check in will take place 5-10 minutes prior to scheduled game start time. Cheerleaders who are not present for final check-in are declared INELIGIBLE to participate in that game, but must remain in uniform in the stands to support their squad. This is a Palomar League rule. Ineligible cheerleaders on the field will result in penalties/suspension of the Coach and the rule is NOT negotiable.
  • Head Coaches will present a detailed attendance and participation policy to the cheerleaders and families of their squad at the beginning of the season. The policy will be consistently applied to all cheerleaders. Every member of SMPW Cheer is to be treated with respect and to treat others with respect. Any participant failing to do so, will be excused from practice for that day, consequently resulting in an unexcused absence.
  • A cheerleader that has 1 or more excused or unexcused absence during the week must sit in full uniform on the sideline during a portion of the game or the entire game depending on the number of practices missed, consistent with their squad’s attendance policy. More than 3 absences during the season may lead to a change in position within the competition routine so as not to adversely affect the rest of the squad. More than 4 absences (excused or unexcused) may make the participant ineligible for competition. After 5 absences, the Head Coach may refer players to the Board for potential removal from the squad, with no refunds. Practice days, times and locations will be based on coach and field/gym availability and WILL change during the season.

Due to the nature of the sport, a practice missed by one cheerleader has a significant impact on the squad, particularly on that cheerleader's stunt group, who are unable to stunt without every member present. It also takes away from others when a coach has to step out during practice and teach what was missed. Cheerleading is a unique sport in which each athlete's safety is dependent upon teamwork, trust and responsibility of the whole squad.

As a result, attendance at all practices and games is mandatory. Please make an effort to schedule your family vacations during June and July. August is a critical month where skill sets are being evaluated and positions determined.


  • All players will receive a Priority Number on a first-come, first-served basis at the in-person registration based on Palomar Conference Rules. Some players may be placed on a wait list if there are not enough open roster spots at their eligible level.

  • Players will be categorized into eligible levels based on their age. Specific divisions may be requested, however squads will be formed with the focus of safety and balance and specific levels are not guaranteed.

  • Cheerleaders 5 through 8 years of age will be placed on a developmental Flag or Mitey Mite squad formed by the Board.

  • Interested participants who do not sign up during initial registration will be placed on a waiting list. After the draft is completed and squads are formed, participants may be added if space is available.



San Marcos Pop Warner
PO Box 1654 
San Marcos, California 92079

Phone: 760-410-6455
Email: [email protected]

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